The Q-Dir or Quad-Directory-Explorer is a file explorer and manager with an amazing Quadro-View technique. While using Q-Dir, you don't have to give up your usual work habits, drag'n drops, view types, and other standard functions of your current file manager. On the contrary, Q-Dir gives you extra useful functions. Save time by reducing mouse-clicks and hand movements.
Q-Dir's file management is based on MS Windows Explorer, but enhanced with the 4x plus Explorer Tab Views and more functionality! Q-Dir makes your files and folders easy to manage, either installed or as a portable Windows program.
More and more data makes for a larger file management challenge on your Windows OS, and such challenge is efficiently handled by Q-Dir. Q-Dir can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device.
Q-Dir allows you to save folder combinations as a favourite to open any time. Up to 64 folder combinations can be saved in a favorite, since each of the four windows is equipped with tabs (ie 4 x 16 tabs 4 x Tree View plus 4 x Address Bar), different colors for different file types ...
Favourites: Quick access to your most often used folders.
Preview filter settings: ... Change preview filter settings?
Drag&Drop: Move files by dragging in Q-views and other Explorers.
Clipboard: Copy / Paste between Q-views and other Explorers.
Folder-Types: ZIP, FTP, cabinet, network, system folders, shortcuts ...
Views: Large icons, tiles, list, detail, thumbnail (Vista: extra large symbols) .
Export: To XLS, CSV, TXT, HTML.
Popup Menus: Desktop, My Computer.
Screen magnifier: Enlarge anything on the screen.
Color Filter: Different colors for different item types (e.g. *.log;*.txt).
Highlight-Filter: Highlight files by extension type.
File-Filter: Allows quick and easy filtering of files.
Columns: Edit and save displayed columns.
Quick-Links: For fast folder access.
Folder-Select: Fast & flexible folder selection address-bar / desktop menu / my-computer menu /...
Multi-INI: Q-Dir saves settings to several INI files.
Quadro-View technique: Quad-Pumped x 16 Tabs, (-: quad core + :-).
Tree-View: Single and quadruple; Auto expand folders; Separate tree view for each explorer list view.
Preview: Allows a quick preview.
Portable: Starting from v2.77, Q-Dir is portable.
Printing: Starting from v3.77 List, Details ...
Folder size column: Starting from v3.83, we have the file and folder size Columns.
Settings transfer: Starting from v3.83, we have an improved transfer options for folder and view settings.
Faster edit: Starting from v3.86, we have faster edit or rename of files.
File association: Starting from v3.91, we have internal file association rules.
And, much more........
Once Q-Dir, always Q-Dir!
OS: Win98, Windows 2000-2008 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
Language: Multilingual
v10.63 :: 7th Mar, 2022
• Important adjustments in Quad-Explorer for Windows 11 and 10
• General optimization in Q-Dir for Windows
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